Rioters have brutally attacked 2 unarmed Police Community Liaison officers in the head with bricks and other hard objects.

Sequence of events:
1. Hundreds of protesters started to leave the permitted protest area and started to on the roads. Some rioters within the group start to throw object at polices and smashing traffic lights.
2. Police have send in three unarmed Police Community Liaison officers to Charter Garden to notify to the organiser to end the protest early.
3. Rioters started to assault the three unarmed officers. Hitting them with brick and other hard objects directly in the head.

Video of the event.
Another angle of the incident from Flash Media:
Since this afternoon, a large group of rioters have been inflicting damage to the vicinity of Chater Garden, Central by acts of arson, road blockage and smashing traffic lights.

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中環 19.01.2020 由於大批暴徒在附近一帶破壞、縱火及堵路, 警方要求集會提前終止。兩名手無寸鐵的警民關係組人員與主辦單位溝通時被大批暴徒以武器圍毆襲擊頭部嚴重受傷。 Central 19.01.2020 Rioters have brutally attacked 2 unarmed Police Community Liaison officers in the head with bricks and other hard objects. They were communicating with the event organizer about ending the protest early, as some rioters started to conduct acts of arson and road blockages around the area.