What is the Photo?
@22 Dec - Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong A powerful photo of a police pointing a gun towards a women merely holding a poster has been taken and widely shared. What really happen?

What is the Background?
A Hong Kong rally in support of China’s Uygur population descended into chaos on Sunday as protesters clashed with riot police, and one officer pointed his gun at them after coming under attack but no live round was fired. (Source).
What Exactly happened?
1. Protesters threw Chiese national flag and threw it on the floor

2. Riot police went in to retrieve the flag

3. A protester assaulted the police with the flag from behind first

4. When police were arresting that protester, they were further assaulted

5. Protesters assaulted polices when they try to make an arrest.

6. After a protester attempted to rob a police gun, an officer decided to draw his gun to keep protesters distanced. (Full video)

7. Protesters also attacked another police officer close to the same scene. An officer was violently kicked in the chest.

8. An officer decided to draw his gun to keep protesters distanced. The women in the poster just happens to be in the way, the officer quickly withdraw his gun once he feels he is no long under threat. (Full Video)

How pro-protest supporters made a propagenda out of it?
Pro-protest supporters have been using disinfomation to falsely accuse Polices of using guns to supress peaceful protests. (Source)

Full source videos:
Cable TV News
TVB News
Other sources
When you see pro-protesters spread this propagenda photo, help HK Police by replying the following!
Unfolding the sequence lead to this propaganda worthy photo at Central, Edinburgh Place, HK, 21.12 22.12 中環愛丁堡廣場中,這張政治宣傳照片是怎樣發生的? https://www.truth-hk.com/post/22122019-2